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ACCEPT II has been invited for seminar sharing sessions on ‘Accelerating the Hydrogen Economy to Achieve Net Zero Emissions in 2060’ held in Batam, Indonesia

21 March 2023

ACCEPT II representative, Muhammad Shidiq has been invited by Maxpower Group and PLN Batam as organizers to present the update on ASEAN hydrogen development during the event held on 20 March 2023 in Radisson Golf & Convention Center Batam, Indonesia.

  • ACCEPT II has introduced participants about the current update on hydrogen technology across ASEAN as well as introduced ASEAN Centre for Energy and its blueprint called ASEAN Plan of Action on Energy Cooperation (APAEC).
  • During the morning session, Shidiq has spoken with other speakers with Kobayashi Yoshikazu from the Institute of Energy Economics Japan (IEEJ) and Dr Jenny Rizkiana as Lecturer at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).

A hydrogen seminar sharing session on ‘Accelerating the Hydrogen Economy to Achieve Net Zero Emissions in 2060’ has been organized by Maxpower Group and PLN Batam. The one-day seminar has been conducted on Monday, 20 March 2023 in Radisson Golf & Convention Centre Batam, Indonesia with more than 100 participants from any stakeholders have attended the events. Muhammad Irwansyah Putra as Director of PLN Batam has opened the event. He delivered a short remark that action to achieve net-zero emissions in 2026 should be implemented from now on, therefore this event is held to understand the hydrogen technologies for public as one key to achieving the net zero emissions in future. The hydrogen technology is one of the best options for decarbonization since it has benefits such as technologically feasible for Indonesia, industry scalable as well as economically feasible in future. Fazil Erwin Alfitri as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Maxpower Group has also delivered a remark on the hydrogen potential for Indonesia where the technology is interested and feasible to be implemented in Indonesia.

The first speaker, Kobayashi Yoshikazu as Senior Economist and Manager at CCUS Group, Fossil Energies & International Cooperation Unit of the Institute of Energy Economics Japan (IEEJ) has delivered presentations on current hydrogen development technologies and use in Japan. Japan has implementing hydrogen practices among others are such as launched a pilot project namely Japan’s Advanced Hydrogen Energy Chain Association for Technology Development (AHEAD) to bring hydrogen using toluene into methylcyclohexane (MCH) using gas from the Brunei LNG liquefaction process to Tokyo bay for use as a power generation fuel as the world’s first supply chain for foreign-origin hydrogen; and the import of the blue ammonia cargo from Saudi Arabia to be used for power generation with CO2 capturing process designated for use in methanol production.

Figure 1. ACCEPT II representative with Moderator (Bayu Aji), IEEJ representative (Yoshikazu Kobayashi), CEO Maxpower Group (Fazil Erwin Alfitri), and ITB Lecturer (Dr. Jenny Rizkiana).

ACCEPT II representative, Shidiq has presented the update on hydrogen technology across southeast Asia as well as finding from the ASEAN Centre for Energy’s (ACE) current study on hydrogen namely Hydrogen in ASEAN: Economic Prospects, Development, and Applications. He also mentioned that Singapore has the only ASEAN countries at the moment having its national hydrogen strategy plan namely Singapore’s National Hydrogen Strategy. Lastly, Dr Jenny Rizikiana from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) has presented about type of hydrogen, process of hydrogen production from electrolysis, type of electrolysis and current hydrogen research in the university in research scale.

During the question and answer session, the speakers and participants have discussed on the potential of hydrogen development in Indonesia where Indonesia has a big potential to produce hydrogen with Pertamina has announced its plan to develop green hydrogen from geothermal Ulubeli site in 2023 with a production target as much as 100 kilograms per day. Despite there is no specific hydrogen regulatory or policy in Indonesia, the Pertamina pilot project is interested to be watched a real hydrogen practice in Indonesia. At the end of the discussion, the moderator summarized that even Indonesia is still on early stage on developing in hydrogen practices, but the discussion as well as further research and development (R&D) of hydrogen in the country should be further developed from now on. The session has received a great response from all participants where participants was feeling thankful to this sharing session as well as learned much about hydrogen research, development, and practices from other countries.


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