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28th Annual Meeting of the Renewable Energy Sub-Sector Network (RE-SSN) of the ASEAN Energy Cooperation: Accelerating the Renewable Energy Development

06 May 2021

Online, 6 May 2021The Ministry of Mines and Energy, Cambodia hosted the 28th Renewable Energy Sub-Sector Network (RE-SSN) Annual Meeting virtually on 6th May 2021 through ACE’s online platform, where the RE-SSN Focal Points discussed the progress of the implementation of the Renewable Energy Programme under the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 2016-2025 Phase II: 2021-2025.

The APAEC Phase II, which endorsed by the 38th ASEAN Minister on Energy Meeting (AMEM) in 2020, focuses on accelerating the region’s energy transition, renewable energy will take a crucial role. Mr Asdirhyme Abdul Rasib, Senior Undersecretary for Sustainable Energy, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of Malaysia as the RE-SSN Chair emphasised the current global pandemic as a game-changer that figured the intention of the world on the importance of the low carbon pathway through Renewable Energy (RE) deployment and energy transition.

Dr Nuki Agya Utama, the Executive Director of ACE, also conveyed the mandate of ASEAN Ministers to accelerate the RE Development and ACE as the region’s energy centre will assist the implementation of Outcome-Based Strategies (OBS) and annual milestone of the RE programme under the APAEC Phase II.

Under the APAEC Phase II, ASEAN will continue to aim for achieving the aspirational target of 23% of RE share in total primary energy supply (TPES) and 35% share in installed power capacity by 2025. ACE reported that the latest status of RE share in ASEAN had reached 13.94% on TPES in 2019, or a 0.04% increased from the 2018 level. Meanwhile, the RE share has gained 28.7% of the total percentage on the installed power capacity.

There are six (6) OBS, namely, Advance Renewable Energy policy and Decarbonisation Pathway, Conduct High-Level Policy Dialogue on Renewable Energy, Enhance Renewable Energy Research and Development (R&D), Promote Renewable Energy Financing Schemes and Mechanisms, Support Biofuel and Bioenergy Development, and Enhance Renewable Energy Information and Training Centre, have been identified including its every annual milestone.

The RE-SSN Chair reported the status progress of the 2021 milestones to guide and provide future directives. Such as the progress on the 2nd ASEAN RE Outlook with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) to support the initiation of the ASEAN long-term RE roadmap as well as the finalisation of the 2021 ASEAN Renewable Energy Projects Award, which the winners and runner ups will be awarded during the upcoming 39th AMEM in September 2021.

The deployment of renewable energy accelerates as ASEAN aims to integrate the renewable energy source into the ASEAN Power Grid. The ASEAN Interconnection Masterplan Study (AIMS) III by ACE identified the numbers of potential renewable energy sites for the ASEAN Power Grid. AIMS III will also support APAEC RE Target Tracking to increase the share of RE in installed power capacity to 35% by 2025, mainly by providing technical and policy recommendations to address the challenges of RE penetration in the power sector. Based on the findings of AIMS III, to achieve the regional target, at least 63GW solar and 5.8GW wind is required to be installed. Thus, it is recommended for AMS to go beyond the base case where AMS are planning to have only 19.2GW solar and 6.5GW wind installed capacity by 2025 under the current PDP.

Joining the annual Meeting were representatives from ASEAN Secretariat, ASEAN German Energy Programme (AGEP), International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), National Science, Technology and Development Agency (NSTDA), China Renewable Energy Engineering Institute (CREEI), India Smart Grid Forum (ISGF), The Ministry of Economic Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan, and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI). The DPs and IOs presented their progress activities and the potential new collaboration with ACE and RE-SSN to support the implementation of APAEC Phase II: 2021-2025.

The Meeting ended with the closing remarks from Mr Chiphong Sarasy on behalf of HE Mr Victor Jona from Cambodia’s Ministry of Mines and Energy. He delivered his hope on the common goal that can bring AMS together to achieve the aspirational RE energy targets under APAEC Phase II by 2025 and also support the overall theme of APAEC, which is to enhance energy connectivity and market integration in ASEAN to achieve energy security, accessibility, affordability and sustainability for all.

Indonesia will tentatively host next year’s 29th Annual Meeting of the Renewable Energy Sub-Sector Network (RE-SSN).

By Syahira Narizta Syahputri (SNS)