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12th Oil Capacity Building Program on Energy Security for ASEAN 2024

9-12 December 2024
24 January 2025

Photo 1. Group Photo of 12th Oil Capacity Building Program on Energy Security 2024 participants 

ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE), in collaboration with the Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC), co-secretariat of ASEAN +3 Oil Stockpiling Roadmap (OSRM), had successfully jointly organised the 12th Oil Capacity Building Program on Energy Security for ASEAN 2024 FY during 9 – 12 December 2024 in association with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI). Held in Chiba and Kagoshima, Japan, the fourday capacity building program aimed to enhance the energy security in ASEAN region to share Japan’s knowledge and experience in oil industry policies. The program brought together seven (7) ASEAN Member States (AMS) representatives from Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines and Thailand to discuss on the challenges and opportunities in oil stockpiling and present on key insight of oil supply security policies beyond the region. 

Photo 2. Discussion and knowledge sharing on energy security in oil industry policies 

The first day of the capacity building program commenced with a discussion and knowledge sharing on energy security in oil industry policies were made by the International Energy Agency (IEA), Petroleum Association of Japan (PAJ), METI, JOGMEC and ACE.  Muhammad Anis Zharfan Al Anwary, Research Analyst at ACE presented ASEAN Oil Supply Security which outlines the overview of oil stockpiling, global oil strategic petroleum reserves, oil supply security policies in ASEAN and explored the potential joint storage in ASEAN region. He also shared future direction on ASEAN Petroleum Security Agreement (APSA) and ACE recommendations on the potential for joint oil storage in the region. The second day, representative from each ASEAN country shared insights on each key update on the status of each energy security including oil stockpiling and oil policy. 

Photo 3. Group Photo in ENEOS Kiire Terminal 

The last two days, the program facilitated site visits to the ENEOS Kiire Terminal and the Kushikino National Petroleum Stockpile Base, both located in Kagoshima, southwestern region of Japan. These site visits were intended to promote the exchange of best practices, identify potential issues, gather relevant data, and document key findings at the largest crude oil storage facility in the region, which boasts a total capacity of over 9.1 million Kℓ and utilises water-sealed underground rock cavern tanks. ENEOS Kiire terminal has a total storage capacity of 7.35 million Kℓ, while Kushikino National Petroleum Stockpile Base Capacity of stockpiling facilities reaching a total of approx. 1.75 million Kℓ.

ACE is actively organising a range of initiatives aimed at supporting AMS in strengthening and enhancing energy security across the region.