Building the Synergy between Policy Makers and Academic Communities

On 24 January 2020, Beni Suryadi, Manager of Policy Research and Analytics Programme of the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE), in his capacity as Programme Manager of the ASEAN Climate Change and Energy Project (ACCEPT) paid a courtesy visit to the ASEAN University Network (AUN), and met with Choltis Dhirathiti, Ph.D., AUN Executive Director.

Sharpening the Key Strategies of the ASEAN Energy Blueprint

At the side-line of the Special Senior Officials Meeting on Energy and Associated Meetings: Special SOME, 21-21 January 2020 in Chiang Mai, Thailand, the representatives from all ASEAN Member States as well as the representatives from ASEAN Sub-sector Networks (SSN) and Specialised Energy Bodies (SEB) attended the 4th APAEC Drafting Committee (ADC) Meeting.

Heading Towards the Final Stage of “The 6th ASEAN Energy Outlook”

The development of the 6th ASEAN Energy Outlook is now approaching the final stage. As per the plan, ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) conducted country visit meetings to discuss the model that has been developed. The purpose of the meeting is to show the preliminary result of the AEO6 on Business as Usual (BAU) scenario and ASEAN Country Target Scenario (ATS).

Sharing Norwegian Experiences and Insights into a Low-Emission Society at the ASEAN 3rd ADC Meeting

Bangkok, Thailand – The 37th Senior Official Meeting on Energy (SOME) and its associated meetings were held in Bangkok, Thailand in 24-27 June 2019 with the main purpose to strengthen the cooperation within ASEAN Member States (AMS) on tackling the energy challenges. ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 2016-2025 is a regional blueprint for the energy sector, holds an essential role in shaping the sustainability of ASEAN energy landscape.

ASEAN Resiliency in Reaching the 23% Renewable Energy Target by 2025

Da Nang, Vietnam – The 26th Renewable Energy Sub-Sector Network (RE-SSN) Meeting was held at Green Plaza Hotel, Da Nang, Vietnam on the 24 May 2019 and attended by delegates from ASEAN Member States except Philippines, ASEAN Secretariat (ASEC), International Organizations (IOs), and Dialogue Partners (DPs) such as International Energy Agency (IEA), USAID Clean Power Asia, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Hangzhou Regional Centre (HRC), and Asian Photovoltaic Industry Association (APVIA). During the meeting, the RE-SSN focal points addressed issues related to action plans in order to achieve 23% RE target by 2025 with regard to the ASEAN Plan of Action on Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 2016-2025. Whereby the APAEC is an energy blueprint, which the impacts of the outcomes are focused on four dimensions – energy security, affordability, accessibility and sustainability.

ASEAN Commitment on Civilian Nuclear Energy Development

Manila, Philippines – The 9th Nuclear Energy Cooperation Sub-Sector Network (NEC-SSN) meeting was held at Manila, Philippines from 20 to 22 May 2019 and attended by NEC focal points and dialogue partners. During the meeting, the participant discussed the collaboration with dialogue partners and addressed issues related to nuclear with proposed Nuclear and Radiological Programme Administrative Support (NRPAS) Phase II activities in regard to the ASEAN Plan of Action on Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 2016-2025. Whereby the APAEC is an energy blueprint, which the impacts of the outcomes are focused on four dimensions – energy security, affordability, accessibility and sustainability.