RE Investment Series – Singapore

Action plan to attract investment in renewable energy in Singapore
Develop incentive and regulatory support mechanisms
Consolidate solar energy governance
Mobilise equity investors and lenders
Specialise in the long-distance trade of renewable energy, especially in the form of hydrogen

RE Investment Series – The Philippines

Action plan to attract investment in renewable energy in the Philippines
Prioritise renewables in the energy governance system
Enforce existing regulatory and fiscal policies
Raise the targets and develop an investment roadmap
Facilitate market entry for renewable energy investors
Build capacity for renewable energy governance

RE Investment Series – Myanmar

Action plan to attract investment in renewable energy in Myanmar
Strengthen renewable energy governance
Join IRENA and intensify capacity building
Adopt a feed-in tariff or auction mechanism
Build a regulatory framework for renewable energy
Simplify the business environment for investors

RE Investment Series – Malaysia

Action plan to attract investment in renewable energy in Malaysia
Reform energy governance in favour of renewable energy
Ensure streamlined management of the regulatory framework for renewable energy
Develop a framework for easier grid connection and use
Enhance awareness-raising measures for investors
Make market entry easy and attractive

RE Investment Series – Lao PDR

Action plan to attract investment in renewable energy in Lao PDR
Establish an autonomous government agency for renewables
Join IRENA and build capacity for renewable energy governance
Adopt a feed-in tariff and build a robust regulatory framework
Develop a roadmap for small-scale renewable energy
Facilitate market entry for investors

RE Investment Series – Indonesia

Action plan to attract investment in renewable energy in Indonesia
Remove subsidies for fossil fuels
Establish a ministry of renewable energy
Prioritise renewables in the regulatory framework
Improve and streamline grid management
Mobilise domestic banks to support renewable energy
Prioritise market entry for investors

RE Investment Series – Cambodia

Action plan to attract investment in renewable energy in Cambodia
Prioritise renewables in the energy governance system
Request support from IRENA for capacity building
Adopt targets and develop a regulatory framework
Enhance project bankability
Improve market entry for foreign investors

RE Investment Series – Brunei Darussalam

Action plan to attract investment in renewable energy in Brunei Darussalam
Adopt and implement key legislation
Mobilise domestic investors
Improve market entry for foreign investors
Join IRENA and expand capacity building