Financing Gender-Energy Access Programmes in ASEAN

Women often get the short end of the stick in rural areas where energy access is poor. In the drive to improve energy access, directing finance to increase the participation of women in the energy sector is necessary.

Gender Participation In ASEAN’s Energy Transition

Back in June and November of 2020, leaders gathered at the ASEAN Summit to reaffirm a strong commitment in propelling the advancement of gender equality and women empowerment. Recognising that gender equality is at the heart of inclusive and sustainable development, the ASEAN Committee on Women (ACW), in collaboration with the ASEAN Secretariat and United Nations (UN) Women, conducted the first regional flagship publication, the ASEAN Gender Outlook.

How Energy is Aiding ASEAN’s Post-Pandemic Recovery

The energy sector is in a good position to drive ASEAN’s recovery and its transition to a greener economy.Member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) were in for a turbulent ride when COVID-19 first reared its head in 2019.

Using 4IR Tech To Tackle Climate Change In ASEAN

Following the ambitious targets of the Paris Agreement and COP26 in Glasgow, a new advanced technology framework to help tackle climate issues needs to be more developed. The Glasgow Climate Pact emphasizes the urgency of scaling up action and support, including finance, capacity-building, and technology transfer to enhance adaptive capacity, strengthen resilience and reduce vulnerability to climate change events.

COP26: Ramification for ASEAN Energy Strategies

After two weeks of negotiations, nearly 200 nations adopted the much-debated Glasgow Climate Pact on Nov 13, 2021, to secure the commitment to keeping the 1.5 degrees Celsius goal alive.