Thai oil firm slated to sell power to Vietnam from ASEAN’s largest wind farm

BCPG, the renewables unit of Thai oil firm Bangchak Corporation, is slated to sell electricity to the power thirsty economy of Vietnam from a 600MW wind project in neighbouring Laos that’s expected to be the largest in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). ASEAN excludes the world’s biggest wind power market, China, where larger wind […]
Seven opportunities in Thailand’s Solar Energy 2020

Private energy investments: Thailand’s electricity generating sector is considered to be one of the most secure businesses in Thailand for private operators given the long-term power purchase agreement with the three state utilities EGAT, MEA, and PEA. Due to its low staffing level, spacious grounds without social distancing issues, and its necessity even under a lock-down […]
EA vehicle deliveries kneecapped by pandemic

SET-listed Energy Absolute (EA) expects 2020 revenue will fall by 25% from an earlier estimation to 15 billion baht, on par with last year’s earnings, because of the pandemic. The pandemic resulted in the company being unable to deliver 5,000 electric vehicles (EV) to clients this year, causing a revenue revision from 20 billion baht set […]
BCPG acquiring 4 solar plants

BCPG, a renewable energy business arm of Bangchak Corporation, has announced a takeover deal for four solar power plants in Thailand with a total production capacity of 20 megawatts to further expand its green energy empire.
Pan Orient Energy Corp.: Thailand Drilling Update
The L53-DD8 (water disposal) well was drilled from the DD oilfield wellpad to a total measured depth of 1,353 meters at a subsurface location 490 meters southwest. This well was drilled at a location which was furthest down dip from the crest of the structure with the intention of using it as a water disposal […]
Banpu set to acquire $66 million wind farm in Vietnam

Banpu Pcl, a leading integrated energy solutions company in the Asia-Pacific, is acquiring the El Wind Mui Dinh Wind Farm, which marks a key milestone in the company’s long-term investment in Vietnam. The $66 million acquisition, subject to adjustments outlined in the sales and purchase agreement, was made through BRE Singapore Pte Ltd, an associate company […]
Agencies told to find ways to mitigate Laos dam impact

Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwon urged authorities concerned to discuss and find ways to mitigate the possible environmental impact from the Sanakham Dam project in Laos in the upcoming scheduled public hearings. “[The committee] is concerned about the impact of the dam, as it is located just two kilometres away from the Thai border. As such, […]
‘Tesla of Thailand’ Mulls Hydropower Plants to Balance EV Risks

Energy Absolute Pcl took a detour from developing solar and wind farms to lead Thailand’s biggest electric-vehicle venture. While it’s still betting that EVs have the biggest growth potential, the company is also returning to its roots in renewables. The Thai utility is assessing the viability of developing two dam-based hydropower projects in Laos, according to Deputy […]