Work on large LNG project in Ayeyarwady set to start in July

Work on a large liquefied natural gas (LNG) power plant in Mee Lin Gyaing, Ayeyarwady Region is expected to begin this year, officials of one of the companies involved with the project have told the Myanmar Times. The Ministry of Electricity and Energy (MOEE) originally approved the project, along with one in Kan Pauk in […]

2,579 villages to receive electricity in Phase 2 of NEP

A total of 2,579 villages from all states and regions will gain access to national grid in line with Phase 2 of National Electrification Project (NEP) and among them, the number of villages from Bago Region (West) is the highest with 785 villages, according to Ministry of Electricity and Energy. The number of villages gained […]

Myanmar begins second phase of National Electrification Project

Mandalay Electricity Supply Corporation, Electricity Supply Enterprise, Ministry of Electricity and Energy (MoEE) and Hitachi Soe Electric & Machinery (HISEM) have signed a contract agreement in Myanmar capital city Nay Pyi Taw for the second phase of National Electrification Project (NEP). HISEM is a tender winner for the NEP’s second phase. Myanmar Union Minister for […]

Emergency project proposals greenlighted by MIC

A number of energy projects, including emergency power plants, have been greenlighted by the Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC). The MIC in November 2019 approved the application of a joint venture between China National Technical Import and Export Corporation and Hong Kong-listed VPower Group for a 400MW LNG plant in Yangon Region, involving US$360 million, and […]

Japan to Provide Over $1 Billion in Loans to Myanmar for Development Projects

YANGON—Myanmar and Japan have signed four loan agreements worth about US$1.1 billion (120.915 billion yen, or 1.61 trillion kyats) to fund sewerage, urban development, power distribution and infrastructure improvement projects in seven regions and states in Myanmar. The four Official Development Assistance (ODA) loan agreements were signed on Tuesday between Japanese Ambassador Maruyama Ichiro and […]

Energy sector tops the FDI list with over $538 m

Till December of 2019-2020 fiscal year, the total foreign investments in 12 business sectors reached 1.164 billion US dollars with the inflow of over 538 million US dollars in the energy sector topping the list, according to the Directorate of Investments and Company Administration (DICA). The FDI in the energy sector reached 538.575 million US […]

Solar mini-grids to take off in Myanmar, support electrification ambitions

Solar mini-grids in Myanmar are expected to take off as the private sector sees solar energy as a potentially commercially viable solution in Myanmar’s journey towards full electrification. With a US$1.6 million mini-grid installed, more than a thousand households on the island of Yesagyo in Magway Region were connected to electricity for the first time […]