Powering up on coal but at what cost?

The haste to expand economic growth and achieve rural electrification has drawn Chinese interest and though China is closing down fossil fuel plants in its country as emissions rise, Cambodia prefers to look the other way

Coal-fired power plants on schedule

Construction of  a combined 700 megawatt (mW) coal-fired power plant in Botum Sakor district, Koh Kong province, is on schedule, according to the Ministry of Mines and Energy.

Garment sector looks to green energy

Implementing sustainable clean energy practices in the garment industry will make the Kingdom an attractive and competitive investment destination, according to the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI).

Britain seeks to intensify dialogue with Cambodia

As the post-Brexit UK charts an independent course in international trade relations, Great Britain and Cambodia have maintained strong ties. Khmer Times’ reporter Jason Boken speaks to Tina Redshaw, the British ambassador to the Kingdom, on climate change, education, trade and future developments between the two nations.

Power grid upgrades expand service, improve reliability

State-run electricity utility Electricite du Cambodge (EDC) has inaugurated a new substation and 230kV high-voltage transmission line in Tbong Khmum province as part of the government’s efforts to promote electrical-grid stability for the public and industries.

Four solar power stations coming online

Additional renewable energy generated by solar power will come online soon in Cambodia from four new stations scheduled to be linked to the grid early this year.