China’s coal plant plans provide a chance for Cambodia to go green

China’s plan to stop building coal-fired power plants in other countries is an opportunity for Cambodia to switch to a mix of sustainable options, according to speakers at an online climate conference.Cambodia Climate Change Summit 2021 was organised by Mekong Future Initiative and supported by the Ministry of Environment.

Droughts and political risk challenge hydro’s place in energy mixture

The Minister for Mines and Energy is giving nothing away on how hydropower figures in Cambodia’s draft power development plan (PDP). However, he did say the PDP would not turn its back on established power sources, such as coal- and oil-fired power plants because of expectations that electricity demand will rebound to at least pre-Covid […]

Kingdom commits to produce more renewable energy

Cambodia is committed to incorporating more renewable energy into a new Ministry of Mines and Energy master plan, to mitigate the carbon footprint of the Kingdom’s socio-economic development, according to minister Suy Sem on September 16.

Cambodia seeks clean affordable technologies in energy development

Cambodia’s low-carbon energy transition in the Asean region is extremely important as part of the sustainable pathways contributing to abatement of climate change in order to achieve a net zero emission society, the Ministry of Mines and Energy said yesterday.

Record coal prices pose problems for power producers

Coal futures have soared to record highs, reaching $179 per tonne this month. Spot prices of thermal coal, used in power stations, have risen 110 percent since the start of the year and are nearing 2008’s record.