Don’t Waste The Pandemic Response

The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the greatest global challenges in generations. Governments and monetary authorities are correctly using every policy lever at their disposal to prevent a grave public-health emergency from becoming an even deeper economic, political, and social crisis. But as we rush to mobilise, we also must start thinking about how we […]

Coronavirus means cheap oil isn’t good news for energy-hungry Southeast Asia

Oil prices are at the cheapest they have ever been in modern history, but this does not bode well even for Southeast Asia’s energy-hungry economies. In fact, compounded with the rising pressures of the coronavirus pandemic, the new lows seen in global oil prices are likely to hurt government coffers, spark a wave of bankruptcies, and unleash […]

Lower oil prices hurting China and Southeast Asia

The coronavirus pandemic has squeezed global demand. Sales by Chinese refineries dropped by 20 per cent. Non-tax revenue could drop to US.7 billion in Indonesia. Malaysia could lose up to US.8 billion. Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore and Brunei are also expected to suffer financially.