ASEAN To Push Utilisation Of Storage Technologies

ASEAN Member States (AMS) need to step up their game on energy storage development. As the 6th ASEAN Energy Outlook foretells, ASEAN’s Total Final Energy Consumption (TFEC) projects to increase by 38 percent by 2025 and 146 percent by 2040, from 375 Mtoe in 2017 to 922 million or mega tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) […]

Southeast Asia in the spotlight ahead of international talks on biodiversity

Negotiations over the future of the international Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) have restarted after a yearlong break due to COVID-19. The CBD is a 1992 treaty approved by 196 countries that provide a framework to promote sustainable development for the benefit of both natural habitats and human societies.

Singapore and UK to address climate change in the ASEAN region

RESEARCHERS in Singapore, in a first-of-its-kind international collaboration, are partnering with the UK’s COP26 Universities Network, aiming to address climate change in the ASEAN region. Working together, the Universities Network and research centres in Singapore will develop four reports providing policy recommendations for climate action in the ASEAN region. The reports are expected to support […]

India Smart Grid Forum and ASEAN Centre for Energy executed MoU for Cooperation for Decarbonization Initiatives in ASEAN Member States in the areas of Smart Grids, Electric Mobility and Renewable Energy Developments on Fast-track

NEW DELHI, April 22, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) has long standing international partnerships on energy cooperation which have been mutually beneficial to all stakeholders (including the donors). These international partnerships support the implementation of the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 2016-2025, a regional blueprint for energy […]

HSBC urges greater ASEAN commitment to climate-change mitigation measures

SOUTHEAST ASIA needs to commit to major investments designed to address climate change, including projects in infrastructure, power, and food security, HSBC Group said. Speaking at the Path to Net Zero webinar Thursday, Joseph Incalcaterra, chief ASEAN economist at HSBC Bank, said policymakers, governments and the private sector should ensure their projects are more responsive […]