Kyushu Electric companies acquiring Thermochem, Inc and Indonesian subsidiary

In a release today, geothermal service provider Thermochem, Inc. announced that Kyuden International Corporation (KIC) and West Japan Engineering Consultants, Inc., (West JEC) both companies of the Kyushu Electric Power Company (Kyuden) Group, have executed a share purchase agreement for the 100% acquisition of Thermochem, Inc., and PT. Thermochem Indonesia (Thermochem).

For first time ever, fuel consumption falls instead of rising during Idul Fitri

Nationwide fuel consumption during this year’s Idul Fitri period was 31.2 percent below the normal level as the government had banned the traditional mudik (exodus) to contain the COVID-19 outbreak. Fuel consumption averaged 106.933 kiloliters per day in the Idul Fitri week, down from 155,377 kl per day in January and February, the months before Indonesia confirmed its first […]

Energy, utility companies cut costs to survive slumping demand

State-owned energy and utility companies are taking measures to cut expenditure and diversify their businesses to survive while the COVID-19 pandemic is battering demand. With large scale social restrictions (PSBB) in place in major cities, businesses and industries have shut operations and subsequently reduced energy consumption.

Holcim sustains use of alternative fuel

Leading cement maker Holcim Philippines Inc. plans to further increase its consumption of qualified and properly segregated and pre-processed waste as alternative fuel and raw material to manage costs and help address the solid waste problem in the country.

Jadestone Energy moves closer to Vietnam offshore project approval

Jadestone Energy has announced that the field development plan (FDP) for the Nam Du and U Minh gas fields, offshore southwest Vietnam, is in the final stages of the formal Vietnamese Government approval process. Jadestone continues to anticipate final approval of the FDP, which includes approval of the gas price, shortly. FDP approval constitutes official […]