Local offices being challenged to raise their energy efficiency

Your office is killing the planet. That’s according to the Cambodia Energy Efficiency Competition, an international group dedicated to promoting clean, green alternatives, starting with your workplace. It says cutting down on the excessive use of lighting and air conditioners could take a sizeable dent out of carbon dioxide emissions. To encourage companies to play […]

Green buildings: Why the benefits of retrofitting outweigh the costs

Architect Carl Elefante once quipped: “The greenest building is one that is already built.” It’s a bold statement, one that draws attention to how keeping and rejuvenating an old building for new uses avoids the carbon emissions that would otherwise be released in the process of demolishing and rebuilding

How technology can help us cope with global warming and climate change

With the most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report stating that climate change is widespread, rapidly increasing and intensifying, it has become even more obvious that we need to become more serious about how we think about the environment. But sometimes, it seems like nothing is changing, that nothing is being done to stop the […]