EV Charging Stations Open in 8 Rest Areas of Trans Java Toll Road

Chanthol urges jump in EV charging stations

An inter-ministerial technical committee held their first meeting to draft the legal framework and policy, as well as strategies, for the management and development of electric vehicles (EVs) in Cambodia. They are also planning workshops to set out a roadmap for the construction of charging stations.
Chanthol urges jump in EV charging stations

Increasing EV charging, battery swapping stations needed: ministry

Jakarta (ANTARA) – The construction of public electric vehicle (EV) charging stations (SPKLU) and public EV battery swapping stations (SPBKLU) needs to be improved to support electric motorcycle development in Indonesia, the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry has said.
German firms explore energy efficiency opportunities in PH

MANILA – A German business delegation is now exploring opportunities in the Philippines in energy efficiency business. The five German companies involved in energy efficiency technology and solutions include SolarNext AG, MIG mbH, Hörmann KG, eeaser GmbH and Ecoligo GmbH.
Increasing EV charging, battery swapping stations needed: ministry

German firms explore energy efficiency opportunities in PH

Chevron and Pertamina to explore development of CCS/CCUS technology in Indonesia

PT Pertamina (Persero) and Chevron New Energies International Pte. Ltd. (Chevron New Energies) have signed a Joint Study Agreement (JSA) to examine the feasibility of carbon capture storage and carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCS/CCUS) in East Kalimantan, Indonesia.