Market for coal remains vibrant in Philippines

The market for coal—the trading and use of the fossil fuel—continues to be vibrant in the Philippines despite global efforts to reduce carbon dioxide emission and the government’s recent announcement of a moratorium on new coal projects.    

Indonesia sees decreased investment in energy, mining

Indonesia has attracted an estimated 22.33 billion USD in investment in energy and mining in 2020, lower than 31.9 billion USD recorded last year and the target of 36 billion USD set for 2020, according to Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources (EMR).

TNB says coal-fired power plant revenue will not exceed 20% by 2030 on cleaner-energy transition

KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 15): Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) said its major coal-fired power plants’ power purchase agreements are expiring “with no like-to-like replacement” and that the government-controlled utility’s coal-fired power plant revenue contribution will not exceed 20% of total group revenue by 2030 in line with the company’s transition to cleaner and sustainable energy.

No request for REE mining yet

The Department of Environment (DOE) has not received applications for any rare-earth elements (REE) mining activities, Environment and Water (KASA) Minister Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man says.

CIMB to phase out coal financing by 2040

[KUALA LUMPUR] Malaysia’s CIMB Group on Tuesday committed to phase out coal from its portfolio by 2040, saying it was the first banking group in Malaysia and Southeast Asia to do so.

Pollutants emitted by coal plants may triple, says Clean Air Asia

MANILA, Philippines — Emissions of sulfur oxide and nitrogen oxide from coal-fired power plants in the Philippines and four other countries in South and Southeast Asia are projected to triple by 2030 without salient changes in their emission standards, an international nongovernmental group has reported.