Energy Ministry: Indonesia’s Coal Reserves Estimated to Last About 65 Years

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ministry’s Mineral and Coal Director-General Ridwan Djamaluddin said Indonesia still has large coal reserves of 38.84 billion tons. “We still have about 60 to 65 years to go of our [coal] reserves,” said Ridwan in the ministry’s virtual discussion on Monday, July 26, 2021.

Indonesia to burn coal well into the 2050s, under updated climate plan

The Indonesian government has released an updated 2030 climate plan and long term strategy that indicate the country’s reliance on coal will continue well into the 2050’s. In a 156-page long term strategy document submitted to the UN, it outlines three pathways including a “low carbon scenario compatible with the Paris Agreement”

Indonesia’s coal exit plan

Indonesia, the second-biggest coal exporter in the world, is now taking more steps to reduce its dependency on “black gold” as it starts to consider clean energy.