
Empowering people with the right knowledge and skills is at the heart of the ALCBT Programme. As a key pillar of our action plans, capacity building is designed to equip stakeholders across the public and private sectors with the expertise needed to drive the transition toward low-carbon buildings.

Our training programs are carefully structured to address multiple levels of expertise, ensuring targeted, high-impact learning while avoiding duplication. With the support of leading experts and the extensive networks of our project partners, these sessions will deliver practical, actionable insights on the most pressing topics in sustainable building, including:

Building Energy Efficiency

Unlocking best practices to optimize energy use and improve building performance

Building Codes & Regulations

Strengthening compliance with energy efficiency and sustainability standards

ESCO Models & Financial Mechanism

Exploring innovative financing pathways for low-carbon building solutions

Carbon Assessment Tools

Implementing methodologies to measure and reduce the carbon footprint of buildings​

Sustainable Cooling Solutions

Addressing the rising demand for cooling while minimizing environmental impact

Planning & Design of Low-Carbon Buildings

Integrating sustainability principles into architecture and construction

The training programmes are tailored to industry professionals—from building developers, architects, and contractors to material manufacturers, energy auditors, ESCOs, and financial institutions. By fostering knowledge and technical expertise, ALCBT ensures that sustainable building practices are not just an aspiration, but the new standard across ASEAN and beyond.​