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ACE Joins ACEF 2024: All-Woman Session Discuss Future on Renewable Energy Multilateral Power Trade

22 June 2024

The ASEAN Centre for Energy, in collaboration with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Regional Development Mission for Asia (RDMA) and the USAID Southeast Asia Smart Power Program (SPP), co-organised the Deep Dive Workshop on Enabling Frameworks for Renewable Energy Multilateral Power Trade (RE-MPT) on 5 June 2024 as part of the Asia Clean Energy Forum (ACEF) 2024 at the ADB Headquarters in Manila, the Philippines.

The workshop was facilitated by Maythiwan Kiatgrajai, Manager, Utility Modernization of SPP.

At the event, Nadhilah Shani, Senior Research Analyst of ACE, introduced the essential enabling frameworks for RE-MPT. She outlined the current status and future outlook of RE-MPT in ASEAN, focusing on the necessary technical, regulatory, and commercial frameworks to expand RE-MPT arrangements across the region.

Building on this foundation, Dr Titiporn Sangpetch, Chief of the Power System Connection & Coordination Planning Department of the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), provided an in-depth look at the Lao-Thailand-Malaysia-Singapore Power Integration Project (LTMS-PIP), ASEAN’s flagship RE-MPT arrangement. Her presentation covered the evolution of LTMS, the critical role of renewable energy, operational considerations, and lessons learned, offering valuable insights for future RE-MPT projects.

Expanding the discussion further, a panel session moderated by Hyunjung Lee, Senior Energy Economist of ADB, featured perspectives from across the Asia-Pacific. Panellists included Monali Zeya-Hazra, Regional and Clean Energy Specialist of USAID India, Bayan Abylkairova, Deputy Chief of Party of USAID Power Central Asia, and Dr Jennie Chen, Program Analyst of the World Resources Institute. They discussed the status, outlook, and best practices in RE-MPT, emphasising the role of the private sector in driving regional power trade.

After the panel discussion, Yejin Ha, Economic Affairs Officer of UN ESCAP, addressed governance frameworks for furthering RE-MPT, highlighting the need for regional regulatory entities, electricity master planning, and pooled finance for projects of common interest. Malchutar Kingnet, Head of the Renewable Energy Business Section at the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand, then discussed the role of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), exploring market drivers, the ASEAN REC landscape, and the potential for a regional REC market.

Continuing the exploration of regulatory issues, Nadhilah Shani, Senior Research Analyst of ACE, discussed regulatory frameworks for RE-MPT. They covered critical issues such as wheeling charges, grid harmonisation, and creating market tools like RECs and power pools, emphasising the need for interoperability and effective regulatory mechanisms to facilitate seamless RE-MPT.

Dr Jaquelin Cochran, Director of the Grid Planning and Analysis Center of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), concluded the technical presentations with strategies for integrating variable renewable energy (VRE). She emphasised resiliency, reliable resources, and the potential of hybrid facilities.

The workshop concluded with Vongdalone Vongsikeo, Project Management Specialist at USAID Laos, who outlined the way forward and next steps for enhancing RE-MPT in ASEAN.


Workshop presentations are available for download at https://asiacleanenergyforum.adb.org/ddw-identifying-the-enabling-frameworks/