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AJEEP Post & Summary Meeting 2024

25 March 2024

Photo 1. AJEEP Participants Group Photo 

For the past 23 years, the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) has maintained a longstanding partnership with the Energy Efficiency Centre Japan (ECCJ) under the ASEAN-Japan Energy Efficiency Partnership (AJEEP). This programme is funded by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan. The purpose of this meeting is to review AJEEP activities (Schemes 4, 5, ECAP) for the current year, update progress, and plan actions and activities for the next fiscal year. The meeting was held in a hybrid format, taking place both in Tangerang, Indonesia and online, from 5-6 March 2024. 

Photo 2. Online Participant 

Nine ASEAN Member States (AMS) – Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam – actively participated in the meeting, which was structured across four sessions. The meeting commenced with opening remarks from Apiradee Thammanomai, Director of the Strategy and Planning Division, on behalf of Wattanapong Kurovat, Director General at the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency Thailand. She expressed gratitude to ACE and ECCJ for their continued support and each AMS participation in the collaborative programme. She also highlighted the importance of AJEEP in reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions in the ASEAN region. 

Photo 3. Opening remark by Dr. Nuki Agya Utama, Executive Director of ACE

The following opening remark came from Motofusa Murakami, Managing Director at ECCJ. Murakami explained that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss AJEEP activities for the current fiscal year, focusing on Schemes 4, Schemes 5, and the Energy Conservation Workshop (ECAP) under AJEEP Programme. He emphasised the current energy crisis and the critical role of partnerships like AJEEP in implementing energy efficiency and conservation solutions. Dr. Nuki Agya Utama, Executive Director of ACE, delivered his opening remarks. He highlighted the progress achieved in recent years and expressed his enthusiasm for continuing AJEEP Schemes 4 and 5 in the upcoming fiscal year. 

The Master of Ceremonies, Lathifah Hana Gusti from the Conservation & Energy Efficiency (CEE) at ACE, invited Dynta Trishana Munardy, Technical Officer of ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) at ACE, to have the opening presentation titled “Progress of APAEC Phase-II.” This presentation highlighted the progress made in reducing energy intensity in recent years and some key recommendations to improve and increase Energy Efficiency & Conservation (EE&C) efforts in industry and transport. 

The opening session of this meeting, moderated by Septia Buntara Supendi, Acting Manager of CEE at ACE, featured Country Reports presentations from representatives of each AMS country. These presentations addressed advancements in EE&C and Carbon Neutrality policies and legal frameworks during the past year, alongside the results achieved through prior AJEEP initiatives over the same period. 

Photo 4. Each AMS representatives presented their Country Report

The second and final session of the first day focused on AJEEP Scheme 4, specifically discussing the progress of its activities and confirming the outcomes achieved by the SAEMAS Working Group in the 2023-2024 fiscal year. Rio Jon Piter Silitonga, Research Analyst of CEE at ACE, delivered a presentation entitled “Update on EE&C Law, Energy Management System (EMS), Energy Manager Certification System, Energy Manager Training Programmes, ASEAN Energy Management Scheme (AEMAS), and AJEEP Training of Trainers.” Mardika Firlina, Associate Officer of CEE at ACE, then presented two separate presentations: “Key Recommendations on the Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) Guideline, Progress in the SAEMAS System, and Organisation,” and “Wrap Up Day 1 and Way Forward.”

Photo 5. AJEEP Meeting Day 2

The third session, held on the second day of the meeting and moderated by Rio Jon Piter Silitonga, focused on AJEEP Scheme 5. This session covered the progress of Scheme 5 activities undertaken during the 2023-2024 fiscal year and aimed to promote understanding of the programme further. The concluding session, moderated by Lathifah Hana Gusti, addressed the way forward, including a wrap-up of day two and planning activities for the next fiscal year. During this session, Septia Buntara Supendi delivered a presentation entitled “Evaluation and Recommendation for the Activities of Schemes 4 & 5 from the Perspective of Promoting APAEC Phase II.”

The meeting concluded with closing remarks from Dr. Nuki Agya Utama. He expressed his gratitude to all participants for their active engagement, noting that the meeting demonstrated tangible progress in collective efforts. Motofusa Murakami then delivered his closing remarks. He commended the meeting for providing a deeper understanding of AJEEP activities for all participants. He further expressed his appreciation to all speakers for their presentations and to all AMS representatives for their active participation. Apiradee Thammanomai followed with her closing remarks, expressing her belief that participants had acquired valuable knowledge through the insightful sessions and discussions, the knowledge that can contribute to their countries and the ASEAN region’s progress towards carbon neutrality. Finally, the meeting officially closed on a positive note, with participants acknowledging the value of the discussions.