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The 8th Action Plan Working Group (APWG) Meeting

23 February 2021

Online, 23 February 2021ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE), in collaboration with Korean Energy Agency (KEA), conducted the 8th Action Plan Working Group (APWG) Meeting under the ASEAN+3 Mitigation Cooperation Programme in 2020-2021. The meeting was held virtually and attended by Lao PDR, Myanmar, KEA, and ACE. Served as the APWG, the discussion focuses on several key issues and updates for the ongoing Energy Efficiency Standard and Labelling (EE S&L) programmes in Lao PDR and Myanmar.

The meeting began with welcoming remarks from Mr. Khammanh Sopraseurth, Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Energy and Mines, Lao PDR, Ms. Naing Naing Linn, Director, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Department (EECD), Directorate of Industrial Collaboration, Ministry of Planning, Finance, and Industry, Myanmar, Mr. Young Man WOO, Director General, Global Project Division, Korea Energy Agency and Dr. Nuki Agya Utama, Executive Director, ACE. They highlighted the importance of Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EE&C) programmes, such as enhancing capabilities through the workshop with key partners and supporting the implementation of energy efficiency (EE) projects to pursue energy intensity reduction target.

After the opening speech, the meeting moved to the first sessions. Moderated by Ms. Dynta Trishana Munardy, Business Development Officer of ACE, the first session focused on reviewing the previous meeting and future working plan, and introducing the key updates on the EE S&L policy of Lao PDR and Myanmar and the ASEAN Plan of Action and Energy Cooperation (APAEC) Phase II: 2021-2025.

The first presenter was Mr. Alfred Christopher Gurning, APAEC Secretariat Office of ACE. In his presentation, Mr. Gurning reviewed the previous APWG meetings and directives of the 19th SOME+3 EPGG and 17th AMEM+3. The session then continued with the presentation from Ms. Ji Yeon Lee, Program Manager Global Project Division, KEA. Ms. Lee shared the overview of collaboration between ACE, KEA, and AMS on the mitigation and cooperation program. Divided into three phases, the cooperation had already in phase 2, with priorities in EE&C and EE S&L policy consultations, capacity building, and realisation of pilot projects in Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Myanmar. She also mentioned few points of the 3rd phase 2021-2025, which focuses on the greenhouse gas reduction policy through actions such as (1) knowledge sharing, (2) policy consultation and market analysis, (3) Implementation of more pilot projects, and (4) monitoring, evaluation, and extension of the pilot projects.

The third presentation about the updates on APAEC Phase II was presented by Mr. Christopher G. Zamora, Senior Manager of the APAEC Secretariat, ACE. Mr. Zamora shared essential information such as the performance and key achievements of APAEC Phase I and updated key strategies of the 7 focus areas of APAEC Phase II under the theme of “Enhancing Energy Connectivity and Market Integration in ASEAN to Achieve Energy Security, Accessibility, Affordability and Sustainability for All” and sub-theme of “Accelerating Energy Transition and Strengthening Resilience Through Greater Innovation and Cooperation.”

The next presentations were surrounding the key updates on the EE S&L policy from Lao PDR and Myanmar. Mr. Sopraseurth shared Lao PDR’s market situations and the latest updates on the EE&C legislation. He stated that the legislation for the EE&C had been approved, which included (1) national EE&C policy, (2) EE&C implementation plan, (3) roadmap on Air Conditioner (AC), and (4) the strategy to promote clean energy in the transportation sector.

Subsequently, Mr. Myint Htun Kyaw presented the update of policy development on EE S&L in Myanmar. He started the presentation with Myanmar’s National EE&C Policy, Strategy, and Roadmap (2016), which included the target of Myanmar to reduce national electricity demand by 16% in 2025 and 20% in 2030. Next, he explained the regulatory framework of EE&C law in Myanmar encompasses four sectors, namely industrial, building, machinery and equipment, and transport sectors. He also mentioned the updated information about S&L for AC and Lighting. Both testing standards were already proposed to the Technical Committee of Standard Council, and its Product Registration System (PRS) was currently being prepared as a Beta Version/Voluntary.

During the discussion session, one of the questions was asked for KEA on South Korea’s communication strategies in implementing S&L. The representative of KEA answered how they developed standards according to the needs of stakeholders and identify the requests from all stakeholders, such as manufacturers, testing laboratories, and administrative organisations. He also highlighted how both regular and irregular communication is essential to ensure that we are all on the same page.

Mr. Zamora moderated the second session with the theme “Policy Frameworks for Appliances Standard and Labelling”. The session began with three videos from KEA about (1) Energy Standards Programmes in Korea, (2) Korea’s EE Testing Institute – Part 1, and (3) Korea’s EE Testing Institute – Part 2.

In the first video, Mr. Do-yeon Im, the representative of KEA, briefly talked about the three programs for EE management in South Korea: (1) EE Labeling Program (2) e-Standby Program, and (3) High-efficiency Appliance Certification Program. The three programs were not being applied to every item. In the early days of the product, the High-efficiency Appliance Certification Program was used, which was a voluntary program to foster and support a product. In the mature stage of the product, the EE Labeling Program, which was mandatory, replaced the certification program. Items that have a longer standby time than use time, such as office supplies, were managed through the e-Standby Program.

Next, the second video was about the profile of the Korea Testing & Research Institute (KTR). Founded in 1969, KTR is the most extensive test and certification institute in Korea that deals with about 3,500 standards, including KOLAS, ISO, and ANSI, and it provides professional technology consulting services. It has contributed to the industrial development of Korea and the improvement of the technological competitiveness of Korean enterprises. The video also demonstrated the EE testing procedure of air conditioners. The EE test procedure includes test request and registration, issuance of filing receipt and conducting the test, and issuance of the test report.

Subsequently, the third video demonstrated the testing method and equipment of the Energy Storage System (ESS). The ESS comprises the battery management system (BMS), the power conversion system (PCS), and the power management system (PMS). It was applied to the connection of new and renewable energy, frequent adjustment, load leveling, peak load reduction, emergency power, and independent power. To use the ESS for each purpose, several tests and certifications are necessary. Tests performed with testing instruments include ESS capacity/efficiency test, insulation resistance test, protection function test of the ESS, and an independent operation prevention test. The video also illustrated the KTR testing centre, a constant temperature/humidity chamber, a battery and grid simulator, an RLC load simulator, and various measuring devices.

Afterwards, each representative from Lao PDR and Myanmar presented respective Confirmation and the Action Plan and Timeline. Mr. Sopraseurth mentioned the current activities on EE&C Program in Lao PDR: (1) Develop S&L for Air Conditioner, (2) Develop EC Guideline for building and factory, (3) Implement pilot project with Energy audit in building and factory, (4) Participate training of trainers for capacity building, (5) Develop a strategy to promote using clean energy in the transportation sector, for example, by fostering electric vehicle (EV), (6) The agreement of minister on EV charging station. By the end of 2021, Lao PDR planned to launch the voluntary Program for S&L.

In the case of Myanmar, Mr. Kyaw mentioned two of Myanmar’s priority lists of electrical appliances: AC and lightings. The national roadmap for AC had already been adopted. They would set the regulations officially near the end of 2021. In 2022, the S&L would be implemented voluntarily and would be finally shifted to a mandatory basis after few years ahead. They also would do market surveillance for S&L in 2022. Another electrical appliance priority of Myanmar was lightings. They are currently adopting the regulations to the national roadmap. Meanwhile, the process to shift it to a mandatory basis was planned to be conducted in 2023.

There were several discussion points highlighted during the meeting. First, Lao PDR was currently developing S&L for AC, building Energy Code, and Energy Management System Guidelines. Secondly, Myanmar is presently developing the S&L implementation process and preparing the PRS for AC and lighting. Third, under the APAEC Phase II: 2021-2025, ASEAN is targeting to reduce energy intensity by 32% by 2025 and expand the area of EE&C to the transport and industry sectors. Last, for the energy saving in equipment, Korea has implemented 3 EE programmes and reduced 20-40% energy consumption in major home appliances through its programmes.


Pic by Unsplash.