Presenting the highlights of ASEAN Renewable Energy (RE) Resource Potential and its Outlook – Highlighting VRE (solar and wind) potential generation in ASEAN
Present the RE technical potential in ASEAN Member States
Present the potential RE projects/detail locations identified in the AIMS III study
Presenting Renewable Energy (RE) Benefit in Achieving Job Creation and ASEAN Collective Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), especially under the ASEAN RE Target Scenario and the hypothetical scenarios of using higher vRE
Presenting ASEAN Power Grid under ASEAN Interconnection Masterplan Study III (AIMS III).
Seeking input from RE-SSN Focal Points on RE Integration in Grid Interconnection toachieve ASEAN’s Renewable Energy Target: To achieve aspirational target forincreasing the component of renewable energy to 23% by 2025 in the ASEAN energy mix, including through increasing the share of RE in installed power capacity to 35% by 2025.
Target Participant
HAPUA Secretariat/HAPUA Working Groups representatives