Phnom Penh, Cambodia (hybrid), 14 – 15 September 2022 — To achieve regional commitments in accelerating the energy transition across Southeast Asia, ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) have held the hybrid agenda of the 2nd ASEAN International Conference on Energy and Environment (2nd AICEE). The conference brings theme “Accelerating Clean Energy Transition to Enhance Energy Security and Environmental Sustainability in ASEAN” which invited academia, researchers, business, and governmental practitioners to share their cutting-edge research, findings, and ideas. The event was more special since it was in collaboration with the 8th International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security (8th SustaiN). Furthermore, the event was back-to-back with the ASEAN Energy Business Forum (AEBF) 2022 which brought more opportunities for networking with the business sectors.
(Photo caption: Delegates at the 2nd AICEE).To begin with, Dr. Nuki Agya Utama as Executive Director of ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and the 2nd AICEE Steering Committee delivered his welcome address that the presence of practitioners, academics, organizations, and governments at this international conference serves as a strategic discussion platform by combining practical business opportunities, to achieve collaborative work in accelerating the energy transition in ASEAN. This is then followed by Prof. Keiichi N. Ishihara (Dean of Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University). He mentioned how the government can achieve a good energy system and the projection of future collaboration between Japan and ASEAN countries. The signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between ACE and Kyoto University to construct positive and strong collaboration in the future was also carried out at the opening ceremony of the 2nd AICEE this year. H.E. Prof. Chhem Kieth Rethy (Minister Delegate Attached to the Prime Minister, Council of Minister), as the last one to give an opening remark provide the importance of public communication to clearly inform the existing data to the public in the energy sector.
(Photo caption: Presentations at the 2nd AICEE).The conference was held in two days (September 14-15, 2022) and is divided into 3 (three) main rooms covering 6 (six) topics, namely Energy Transition, Energy Security, Accessibility & Sustainability, Economy of Energy and Environment, Environmental Social and Governance Policy, Sustainable Forest and Agriculture, and Sustainable Built Environment. There were more than 80 participants who attended in person and through zoom conferences.
On the first day, as the opening of the conference, there were plenary lectures from invited speakers and presentations from selected authors, moderated by one of the Scientific Committees. Dr. Sumittra Charojrochkul (Executive Director, National Center for Energy Technology, ENTEC) opened the first panel session with her presentation on how STI Community can improve energy infrastructure to be resilient on climate change adaptation as efforts towards energy security in ASEAN. In another parallel session, Dr. S. Khoirul Himmi, a Senior Researcher from the Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and the Executive Director of the International Community for a Sustainable Future for Human Security (SustaiN) gave presentation on how climate change can impact on global urban pests from a global perspective. After the invited speakers’ presentation, the sessions for the AICEE presenters were opened by each of the session chairs. The first day presentations covered fruitful discussions on energy transition and energy security issues in ASEAN.
Moving on the second and last day of the 2nd AICEE, Dr. Ir. Hatma Suryatmojo, S.Hut., M.Sc (Director, Center for Academic innovation and Studies, Gadjah Mada University) as the invited speaker this day opened the panel session by presenting his paper entitled “Hydorological Response of Intensive Forest Management System in the Indonesian Tropical Rainforest”. Furthermore, the parallel session was continued by Dr. Nino Viartasiwi (Assoc Prof, President University, Indonesia) by giving presentation on “post-COVID-19 Migration and Mobility: Persistent Challenges and New Opportunities”. The discussion was further explored among each AICEE presenter on sustainable built environment, energy security, and environmental issues. The final session was closed by Dr. Andy Tirta as a Conference Chairman with a closing ceremony.